Monday, November 21, 2016

2015 Resolutions & Goals

Hello 2015...I hope everyone enjoyed themselves on NYE. I just spent it with my parents and boyfriend down at our local pub, we all had a great time. So I thought I'd start my first post of the year with my resolutions/goals for this year which I will try and stick too. Normally in the past I know exactly what my goal of the year will be, being it pass my driving test or get a new job. I've achieved all of those things in the years which I am very proud about and I thought maybe this year it would be to move out, but I still don't feel ready for that this year so I might save that one for next year.

I had to really think about what I could change about me or how I could act differently i'm not saying change my whole personality but the way I live, and a couple of thinks sprang to mind which are.

1. Stop being late
I can't even count the amount of times I've been late for work or pushing it a bit to get to places on time, when the only solution is to just go to bed early and wake up on time, instead of hitting that snooze button a million times - it's a real struggle for me in the mornings I'm going to really try this year and be more organised with things.

2. Say yes more
Ever since turning 18 when your legal to get into clubs, this was something I never really did with my friends and in a way I do regret it sometimes, but I go back to the reasons why I said no and that is one because I didn't have much money and I thought why would I waste so much money on going to a club when I could spend it on something more useful other than alcohol. I'm sure all you sensible people out their reading would agree - I much preferred staying at home watching a film or whatever, but as we all got older and all work a lot, it is harder for us all to meet up, so by saying yes more it will give me a chance to reconnect with friends I don't see so often with them living so far away.

3. Exercise more
Now I know this is something everyone says at the beginning of January, but I'm not doing this to lose weight, but to become more fitter and toned. Ever since I passed my driving test and got my new job which is an office job. I sit down all day and when I come home I just sit all night, this routine has made me become so lazy, I've lacked motivation and can't be bothered to do anything. So starting on Monday me and my friend are going to our local community hall for a Zumba class. I'm really excited because this is way more up my street that going to a gym, cause to be honest they terrify me.

4. be more organised and creative
This goal is mainly for the purposes of my blog. I haven't been blogging long so I'm not going to be too hard on myself, the main reason what made me start a blog was because it looked so fun and I'm always up for new hobbies. Over the few months of blogging I am really enjoying it, but I have noticed already how much hard work it can be when your working full time, but I'm not going to let that excuse stop me because I promise to be more organised. I'm going to be more prepared with this limited amount of daylight I see over the weekends and take my photos in bulks, this way I can do a post after work, or in my spare time without having to wait till Saturday to take photos. Another thing I'm going to start doing is posting more lifestyle posts, with this being some photography shots of my walks around the town or letting you all know on trips and events I've been to. I have quite a few trips planned this year so look out for those! I'm not going to promise to post twice a week or anything like that because I go back to the fact that this blog is a hobby and I'm not going to put that kind of pressure on myself, I wouldn't want this to become stressful, so I'll post when I get some spare time.

I think that's quite enough goals for one year. Let's hope I stick to them.

What are your resolutions for this year? 

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