The Christmas Tag

I must have to admit, Christmas is defiantly something I look forward to at the end of the year. Just the whole build up to it makes it so exciting, I've already finished my christmas shopping already I know organised or what and I got to open the first window on my advent calendar whilst working away listening to christmas songs blasting out on the radio. It won't be long till I'm wearing my christmas jumper and putting up the decorations. The lovely Beth behind the blog Birds Words tagged me in this christmas tag so I thought I'd join in the festive fun.
What's your favourite Christmas movie/s?
My all time favourite christmas movie has got to be 'Home Alone'. I'm sure many of you out their know this movie as it's such a christmas classic and I can't be the only one who loves this movie as much as I do, it's a brilliant comedy suitable for all ages. This film has many famous faces starring the one and only Macauley Culkin, John Heard, Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci. For those's of you reading who haven't seen this ultimate christmas cracker what!? are you still doing here, go watch this film let me give you a brief storyline. Kevin is an 8 year old boy who is accidentally left at home while his family flee to Paris for a Christmas vacation. Realising he's been left home alone, for a very short period of time Kevin is scared but soon realises he can do anything he wants, but things are about to change as he has to contend with two burglars and booby traps the whole house and this is were the fun begins.
Some other christmas movies that I love are Elf, The Muppets Christmas Carol this one gets me really excited because it comes on at christmas eve or nearer the time and The Grinch gotta love Jim Carrey, comedy legend right there!
Do you open presents on Christmas morning or Christmas evening?
Okay so i'll tell you our family christmas traditions first things first when it's christmas morning and you have just woken up in your bed, not everybody in the UK will do this as It's more of a Southern thing. I live in the Midlands but my family used to live in London before I was born so this tradition has always been in our family and that is to open your christmas stocking. This is the best thing I look forward too when I wake up apart from opening up your presents ofc because it's just so nice to sit in bed going through your stocking opening up all sorts of random things to chocolate, a few beauty items such as lipstick to mascara, a car air freshener, jewellery, a magazine etc just random stuff and then i'll go see my sister and we will compare things we got, it's usually very similar and then we will go into my parents room and they will be opening there's. Because I think stockings make my christmas morning so much my boyfriend and his family don't do this, in fact I don't know anyone in this region who does, so for the past year or so i've made sure he has a stocking to open in the morning. Once we are all up we go into the living room to the christmas tree and open up all our present's but before we do this one of us gets chosen to be 'the present giverer'. When all the presents are opened and we've said all our thank you's we get ready to go to a relative's house for our christmas dinner, after we're all stuffed from the 3 course meal, we then open up some small bunch of what we like to call 'under the tree presents'. There will be about 3-6 presents per person. So too answer the question Yes - I open them both morning and evening. I hope this doesn't make me sound spoilt I never ask for this many it's just our tradition that we've done for many years.
Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
When christmas starts to become nearer I get sooo excited but my favourite christmas memory has got to be when I was in primary school many years ago, we'd always do school plays, we've done many classic to Annie & Oliver. But I remember we always did the christmas nativity play and I'd always try and be apart of it and one year I was Mary. I don't normally go for the main roles as I'm not that confident but Mary was okay because she didn't have many lines. I usually go for the angel because I like the costumes, but that was full that year but I remember my parents coming along to watch me and I remember looking at them from across the stage, I had that smug feeling of being proud and happy that they came to watch the play. My parents never let me down like that.What's your favourite festive food?Mine has got to be pigs in blankets, I just love them with my christmas dinner I tend to have a lot of them on my plate as are you ready for it I don't like brussel sprouts. Christmas is the only time of the year that I have them so it makes the usual roast dinner a bit different.What's been your favourite Christmas gift?
The most well loved gifts I remember having as a child was one a furbie and two my most loved toy was a lovable bear, I don't know if any of you know or remember lovable bears but they were the craze in the 90's when I was 5. It was always by my side and I was there to feed it whenever it's little love heart nose lit up.What's your favourite Christmas scent?Whenever I think of christmas in a scent I automatically think spiced apple, It's just the most famous captured scent especially in candles I always have them burning in December but I do love the smell of gingerbread men and fresh pine trees.
Do you have a Christmas Eve tradition?I have something that is becoming a tradition but I missed out last year as I was working on christmas eve because of my retail employment but as I have a new job, I get christmas eve off now and the tradition is something I do with my dad, this is going to shock loads of you organised people out their but every christmas eve I go christmas shopping with my dad because he gets all my mum's christmas presents that day, I know crazy right!? but he just loves the rush of not knowing what's going to be left on the shelves etc. After our shopping trip we wrap up all the presents and then end the night watching The Muppets Christmas Carol.What tops your tree?We use the same old little doll figured angel, I don't know how old this is but we've had it for as long as I can remember.
As a child, what was the one (crazy, extravagant) gift you wanted but never got?
These aren't really crazy things to ask for but I always asked for a Polly Pocket but was never allowed one because of all the small pieces and my mum said I'd lose them all in the first 5 mins.Another thing I always put on my christmas list to Santa was a Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Chocolate Maker but I never got one, probably because I would only use it once and never again so a waste of money really because they weren't cheap I don't think.What do you think is the best part of Christmas?
The best part of Christmas for me is getting together with the family. Everyone is happier and your just having fun, laughing and maybe tears of joy, it's just such a magical day being with all your loved ones, I mean there is the perks of getting presents but Christmas is all about the family in my eyes. Also I love how cheesy is acceptable around December with all the music and the christmas jumpers haha - I love it.Phew. I can rest now, this has now claimed to be my most longest blog post, sorry if you actually sat and read through that ramble. I'd like to thank Beth for the tag and feel free to join in but make sure you let me know because I'd love to have a read.
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