It's exactly 12 days untill Christmas which means things finally start to get a bit more festive in our household as our tradition is to put up the Christmas tree 12 days before, I've already made my bedroom all festive with Christmas scents and bedding which you all can have a nosey in a post I have planned.
Our family Christmas Eve tradition might make some readers feel stressed as me, my sister and dad all head into Derby wearing our Christmas jumpers to make a start on shopping for my mum's Christmas presents I can already hear you all calling us crazy!? Me and my sister go to help my dad because he needs a woman's opinion not to buy as we are organised and have bought ours weeks before. The reason why he likes to shop a day before is because he loves the rush, if he does have a main present in mind he will buy this days before as he knows not to leave that so last minute. You'd be surprised how busy it is and full of men in the same situation.
One thing we always do for a laugh is try and find the most hideous pair of slippers and give them my mum, she obviously hates them but still wears them. Does anybody else get joke presents for their family? Once the shopping is over we then go home to start wrapping them and prepare the stocking for Christmas morning.
Around 6-7pm we will all settled down with a newly opened quality street tin watching The Muppets Christmas Carol or we will go to our local pub for a few drinks and wish everyone a Merry Christmas before heading home to bed. I never like to stay up any later than 12.
For Christmas day we all start the morning off by opening our stockings that's hanging up outside our bedroom doors and open them in bed, for anyone reading this who doesn't have a stocking you are seriously missing out as I get the best bits and bobs such as hair accessories, jewellry, chocolate, and orange, car air freshener, make up, socks etc. My sister will then come in my room and we will compare things that we got and then go into my parents room to see what they got. My dog Diesel even gets his own little stocking!
Once we are all up we will make our cuppas and make our way to the Christmas Tree. We stick on our Christmas CD and someone will volunteer to be 'the present giver' and we will get stuck in opening them one at a time because this way we get to see who got what and it makes the morning last. Afterwards we will phone our family members to thank them for our lovely gifts and to be nosey at what they got. When all the Thank You's are exchanged we all get dressed into our new Christmas clothes ready for our big feast.
What's your Christmas Traditions?
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