Whether you have a job or you're at uni/school/college or even if you're a full time blogger, It's important to keep on top of things with a schedule and be organised.
Decide which days work for you
At the start of this year I wrote a Goals & Resolutions post where I decided to be a lot more organised with my blog and start a schedule to try and post 2-3 times a week if my life allows it. So the first thing I did was think of days which worked best for me and that is Thursdays and Sundays.
Buy stationery or printables
Next it was time to buy pretty stationery. I would definitely say I am a paper nerd when it comes to stationery as they are my favourite shops to visit and the cutest designs always catch my attention, which is why I love paperchase, rifle paper co and other brands so much. I went all out with this and bought a new notebook which I handwrite my posts in as I tend to flow better writing than typing, sticky notes for things that pop in my head like ideas or 'don't forget to mention this' etc highlighters for my lists as I write way too many and most recently a weekly desk pad planner which helps loads in seeing what needs to be done. If life gets in the way which I'm sure it does then I can shift my schedule around to next week. You'll already feel like you have your shit together doing all this.
Photography sessions
Spring is slowly creeping up on us now which means lighter/longer days so taking photos won't be as bad in a few weeks but as we aren't quite there yet I still save my photography sessions for the weekend, with my weekly planner I can see which posts need photos for the following week making sure I can be ready to hit publish. Bulk photography is the only way for me as I work full time.
Make notes for all your ideas
Make sure you always have a list of blog post ideas written down somewhere as this helps me always have a post ready. If your blog is set in different categories like mine Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle it really helps to break down ideas for when I go to publish as I can pick and choose the topic of the post so I always have a list in my phone or in a notebook as soon as I get an idea. Having a list of post ideas helps if you want to start posting regularly.
How do you stay organised? I'd love to get more tips or if this has helped you in any way I'd love to hear about it
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