Sunday, November 20, 2016

5 Halloween Nails Tutorial


As Halloween is approaching us this week, I'd thought I'd share with you all 5 Halloween Nail Art Tutorials. (see below for step by step instructions)

You will need:

Dotting tool, Base Coat, Top Coat & Fine Liner Brush to get started

The first being a Witch Cat design. The paint I used in this design is Model's Own Disco Pants 'Roxy'. This colour is gorgeous if you haven't checked out this collect then click here. They have some lovely autumn shades going on.

Step 1: Paint your nail with a base coat to avoid staining the nail and for a smooth base.
Step 2: Paint 1-2 coats of your chosen colour doesn't have to be purple
Step 3: With the fine liner brush draw 2 triangles and a semi circle for the face and fill in
Step 4: Using a white draw 2 slanted oval shapes
Step 5: Draw a thin line down the centre of these ovals to create the pupils
Step 6: Using the white again draw 2 smaller triangles in the ears and finish with a top coat to seal your design.
The paint I used for this is Color Craze White and Rimmel London's 60 second in Red

Step 1: Paint your nail with a base coat to avoid staining the nail and for a smooth base.
Step 2: Paint 1-2 coats of white paint
Step 3: Using the dotting tool pour a bit of polish on some foil and cover the nib with red paint and form 3 small dots half way down the nail at different levels
Step 4: Using the fine liner brush fill in the areas to the top of the nail and seal with a top coat
Step 5: This is optional you can add a clear coat of silver glitter or red glitter to add some glam

The paints I used is Barry M Gelly Hi Shine in Paprika and Color Craze in Black

Step 1: Paint your nail with a base coat to avoid staining the nail and for a smooth base.
Step 2: Using the fine liner paint 2 small black triangles to create the eyes
Step 3: With the brush draw a zigzag mouth and fill in with black
Step 4: This is optional but again if you like the sparkle add a clear coat of gold glitter

The paints I used is Color Craze in Black, Beauty UK in Gun Metal and Barry M White nail art pen

Step 1: Paint your nail with a base coat to avoid staining the nail and for a smooth base.
Step 2: Paint 1-2 coats of black nail varnish
Step 3: Using the fine liner and a silver metallic paint, draw a thin diagonal line across the centre of the nail
Step 4: Using the same colour add 2 more diagonal lines either side at a slightly different angle
Step 5: Use the liner to draw the web by drawing smaller lines horizontal
Step 6: Using a white nail art pen (I used the Barry M one) or the fine liner go over the lines to make them highlighted
Step 7: If you want you can add a glitter on top, I used a gold glitter with bits of black dots in it to make it look like flies

The paint I used is Color Craze in White and Barry M Nail art pen in Black

And finally the pinky

Step 1: Paint your nail with a base coat to avoid staining the nail and for a smooth base.
Step 2: Paint 1-2 coats of white
Step 3: using the dotting tool draw 2 black dots to create the eyes
Step 4: Dot a small black dot in the centre to create the nose
Step 5: Using the fine liner brush draw a thin horizontal line and 3 small vertical lines to create teeth and then draw 2 semi circles in the corners to create the head shape
Step 6: Again optional you can add silver glitter to make it sparkle

You don't have to use the colours I used or follow the design exactly. Be creative and let me know if you try these out I'd love to see them.

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