My two favourite models in the world.
Love them!
While scrolling through Tumblr, I spotted this picture with the caption "Why obsess over Cara/Barbara, when..?" I was obsessing over Cara at that time so I knew what she was talking about, but I was thinking "Who's Barbara?" So, being the curious person I was, I headed for the search bar and typed in #barbara to see what I could find. I clicked on the first result which was #barbara palvin and after seeing the first picture, I was like OH.MY.GOSH. She was absolutely gorgeous! And stunning. And beautiful. And perfect. And just so gush-worthy! I then went to do a search on her and found out that she's only 19 this year and she's a VS Angel! I really couldn't believe it, but then again, one look and you can tell she's Angel material. She has to-die-for facial features and I'm loving the shade of her eyes! Don't get me wrong, Cara is still an obsession to me, but Barbara is just obsession #2. My biggest dream is being a model and hopefully a VS Angel when I grow up, so I really look up to Cara and Barbara, being the two young and successful models they are. I hope to meet them in person in the future and maybe even walk in the same show as them, but for now looking at their snaps on Tumblr will just have to do. Barbara is officially one of my fave models in the world!
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